eulcommon.searchutil – Utilities for searching

This module contains utilities for searching.


Takes a search string and parses it into a list of keywords and phrases.

eulcommon.searchutil.pages_to_show(paginator, page, page_labels={})

Generate a dictionary of pages to show around the current page. Show 3 numbers on either side of the specified page, or more if close to end or beginning of available pages.

  • paginator – django Paginator, populated with objects
  • page – number of the current page
  • page_labels – optional dictionary of page labels, keyed on page number
Return type:

dictionary; keys are page numbers, values are page labels


Parse a string of search terms into keywords, phrases, and field/value pairs. Use quotes (” “) to designate phrases and field:value or field:”term term” to designated field value pairs. Returns a list of tuples where the first value is the field, or None for a word or phrase, second value is the keyword or phrase. Incomplete field value pairs will return a tuple with None for the value. For example:

parse_search_terms('grahame "frog and toad" title:willows')

Would result in:

[(None,'grahame'), (None, 'frog and toad'), ('title', 'willows')]

Django template tag to display pagination links for a paginated list of items.

Expects the following variables:
  • the current Page of a Paginator object
  • a dictionary of the pages to be displayed, in the format generated by eulcommon.searchutil.pages_to_show()
  • optional url params to include in pagination link (e.g., search terms when paginating search results)
  • optional first page label (only used when first page is not in list of pages to be shown)
  • optional last page label (only used when last page is not in list of pages to be shown)
  • optional url to use for page links (only needed when the url is different from the current one)

Example use:

{% load search_utils %}

{% pagination_links paged_items show_pages  %}